Photographing Motley

The past year, we have spent more time at home with the dogs and less time traveling on small trips.

We find photographing indoors is often difficult and photographing our dog Motley is sometimes near impossible. For this indoor photo, my husband snapped a photo while he was laying on the sofa, and Motley was propped on him.

Motley tends to spend time on the loveseat which currently has a black cover. So, when a photo is taken from a distance, one often can't distinguish between Motley and the loveseat cover. Here we got up close and pulled back the curtains so we'd have a generous amount of light on Motley

I think the best thing I could tell users to do when photographing a dog is to capture a photo of the eyes. Eye contact is important for photographing all animals, but particularly for photos of animals that have dark colors or eye patches of a different color.

The best light indoors is generally the shade-light available near a window.
