Cockapoo and Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt has 84 essential trace elements and seems to be all the rage. There are salt caves, made of Himalayan salt bricks with the floors covered in salt. There are Himalayan salt blocks used for baking or grilling meats, seafood, eggs, fresh fruit, and vegetables. Around here,  Himalayan salt is often used in spa treatments like facial and body scrubs, and most households have at least one Himalayan salt lamp.

There are many people who claim that Himalayan salt helps purify the air and clear out negative energy. I purchase the one in the photo above because when Himalayan salt is lit with an incandescent light bulb, it gives off a soft, amber glow. 

The salt lamp near Buddy in this image is used for demonstration purposes and was moved to a location where I can still enjoy its glow and Buddy and our other dogs do not have access to it

I would advise any pet owners not to leave their pet unattended around any salt due to the possibility of them ingesting and getting salt toxicity.
