Dogs Behavior and Mourning


After Lucky's memorial service, I walked to our hutch and pulled out this cup a friend had given me back in 2020. On the front it has an image of Lucky and on the back side it has Buddy, Motley, and Monroe and states, The Simplest Things Bring The Most Joy.

If you have had a dog, you know there is no joy like having a  DOG to come home too.

 A while back we read a study that noted changes that canines exhibit when losing a canine companion. Among these changes are vocal patterns, a decreased appetite, or refusal to eat at all. Some dogs had insomnia while others slept more than usual and some dogs changed the location of where they slept.

Immediately after Lucky's passing, we began focusing our attention on Buddy, Monroe, and Motley and recognize how hard Lucky's passing has been on them as a member of their pack is gone.

All our dogs together in February 2019

Buddy bonded well with Lucky from the get-go. When Lucky was able to walk, they were often off exploring together and all of the dogs hung out together.

Buddy and Lucky 2019

Our dogs were home with Lucky when he passed and all appear to be affected. Buddy was whimpering over Lucky when he'd passed and Buddy is now sleeping where Lucky often slept. Motley has been more clingy than normal and we have witnessed Monroe mooping around and going to places Lucky would normally be.

All the dogs together in Dec 2019

We are trying to help our 3 dogs cope by spending extra time with them, engaging in things they enjoy- like going to visit Grandma or my brother and taking more trips around the neighborhood- stopping to visit neighbors or places the dogs want to go. 

Lucky  in December 2020


We miss Lucky greatly and look back on our life with him with fondness and recognize the many things he helped teach us. 

 We have more patience, compassion and are more tolerant in general.

We are  more aware of protective gear and devices.

Lucky 2022

We also know more about animal neurodegenerative diseases, mobility issues an limitations.
