Dogs Enjoying the Fall Season

Buddy and Monroe (the cockapoos) have been doing well and keeping active since Bindi (Mini Bernedoodle) joined their pack. 

When home, the dogs often sit with us on the porch or the three of them, take over the sofa in the family room. If we are fortunate they leave enough space for one of us to squeeze in on an end and sometimes we become a pillow for one or more of them to plop on.

As I mentioned earlier, many of our neighbors have dogs and some have made recent additions to their packs.

Buddy still goes out for his twice-daily walks around the neighborhood and he often stops to visit the neighbor's dogs while on his journey.

Bindi can be outside longer now that it is cooler here as it is easier for her to regulate her temperature. Bindi sometimes joins Buddy or she walks alone with one of us. Today, both of us took Bindi for a walk in a new location and she seemed anxious as the trip was unexpected.

Monroe mostly hangs out around our home and property, He is a barker and likes to sniff around the bushes and if you don't watch him closely he'll dig an unbelievably deep hole - making a mess of himself as well as the garden beds. 

All dogs enjoy a journey with me to see Mom. They love it when we visit her as she likes to fuss over them and make sure they are getting her treats. 

We took time to groom the dogs this week as their coats were getting long.
